Summer Residents Association
July meeting
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Kathe McCoy called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm and welcomed all those in attendance. She also thanked the Board of Selectmen and the Board of the SRA for their support and their ability to work in partnership over the last year. Mrs. McCoy reviewed the meeting’s agenda and noted that there will be a question and answer period at the end.
Durlin Lunt was introduced. He noted his appreciation for the support of all the summer residents of the Town. The proceeds from the “Buy Local” stickers were presented to the Town. The funds were distributed to the Events Committee. It is important to keep up the core services of the Town operating in good order. Organizations must grow to take on new activities, but must stay within the core mission. The signs should be complete by the end of the summer. He hoped to have 6 signs installed by July 25th. The ones to be installed first are the most important and most visible ones.
The Town has undertaken an aggressive Capital improvement projects over the past several years. The treatment plant on Sinclair Rd should be completed shortly. The sidewalk project, expansion of town hall, marina redevelopment project, etc. all have been completed. The Town is now designing a 20-year replacement schedule for its equipment. The raise in taxes was due this year was to benefit the local schools. The Island fire departments have been working together to make sure there is no redundancy. We do not anticipate any bonding projects this year. It is anticipated that the Town will enjoy a $100K surplus this year at the marina with interest rates declining, so this is all moving in the right direction.
Kathe McCoy thanked the Board of the Selectmen for all their help support and ability to work together.
Jackie Hewett, the Economic Development Coordinator was introduced. She thanked the Steering Committee for all their hard work. Members of the Committee include Kathe McCoy, Ham Clark, Martha Dudman, Matt Hart, Sam Shaw, and Nancy Ho. It has been an active 9 months. Most visible is the Event Committee. There are10 dedicated members of the Events Committee who have been meeting throughout winter to bring events to town. The Events Committee has brought family friendly outdoor movies to the Town Green every Thursday night this summer. The movie schedule is list on the Town website along with posters posted around town. Maine Seacoast Mission has provided free popcorn and water. Some of the local shopkeepers have donated snacks as well.
The Events Committee also arranged for the visit of the tall ship Lynx. The boat took people out to sail. It is an interpretation of a Privateer ship from the War of 1812.
There will also be an Antique Car show on Aug 16th. It will be held from The12-4 pm on the Village Green. There are several local individuals and businesses involved. There will be food available as well as music.
The Events Committee has compiled a list of events around town listed on a “rack card”. This was a huge undertaking. These cards are available in shops on Main St. as well as at the Visitors Center. There are also temporary signs around town to advertise events.
Signage initiative has been very important. There will be QR codes on every sign so that the information can be read by iPhones. The signage program was a combined initiative between local businesses and the summer residents
Oli’s Trolleys now comes to NEH. Patrons are given a map and coupon pamphlet for visitors. The Town website has been updated and made more user friendly with all events posted.
Willie Granston installed antique photos and renditions in the Yachtsman’s building at the Marina. The Maine Seacoast Mission has also added some of their historical information in the building as well
This past winter a marketing seminar was offered to local business owners. Time for the consultant and the location were donated. It was well received and well attended
Randy Merchant bought Holmes Store and we are thrilled it has stayed opened. Peggy Richardson is managing the store. There are four new retail stores in town this summer.
Jackie wanted to thank all the Summer Residents and Town employees who have been encouraging and helpful in doing her job.
Ham Clark, on behalf of the Steering Committee, thanked Jackie for all her hard work. Jackie has facilitated the three constituents of Town employees, business owners and summer residents working together.
Kathe McCoy introduced John Boynton. John and his wife, Joanna purchased 123 Main St. as well as 145 Main ST (the old Wingspread Gallery). Local capital is insufficient to rebuild Main ST. Perhaps we can come up with a new business model to support development of new businesses in town.
For the123 Main St project, they would like to bring back the soda fountain. They are focused on making this a year round operation. John and Joanna met with Jackson lab, College of the Atlantic and other business to try to make this are more successful. The Town really needs more affordable rental property. The Town also needs a pub style restaurant that would be open year round. People want more retail open 12 months.
123 Main St. building construction is about to begin and this project is funded by the Boyntons. The first floor will be NEH Creamery. This will have a coffee shop and will be open 10-12 months. Upstairs will be a “wheelhouse”. One can rent out a desk or an office. It will be an incubator style office. This will be open year round and will provide community atmosphere. The foundation should be in place in two weeks.
145 Main street (old Wingspread) will need partners to begin construction. The plan is for retail on the ground floor with 6 apartments upstairs. The Boyntons have established Rising Tide Partners as a non-profit organization and has a website. They also have a Facebook page.
Next came the Question/Answer session. It was suggested that we need an updated trail maps (there are some available at the library, Visitors center). The Village Improvement Assoc designed these maps.
What is the sense of the retailers in town?? Better or worse than last year? Is there Wi-Fi at the Marina?? Yes
Sabina Wood spoke as a retailer. She suggested that retailers were very busy over the 4h, and then there was a drop off until the last few days when activity has picked up. She did comment that something has happened to the cell reception (mostly Verizon users) and it appears currently very limited.
Over the past year AT & T installed the towers that currently exist. Durlin has reached out to Verizon so that their customers could get hooked in.
Board of Selectmen were introduced: Dennis Shubert, Seal Harbor, Martha Dudman, NEH, John McCauley, Otter creek, Matt Hart, NEH
A question was raised as to the future plans for the condition of the roads. Town is patching, but much of the issues are on State roads. The Town is apparently a low priority for the State, so the Town has had to take on more responsibility of plowing in the winter to allow access for emergency vehicles and school busses.
A concern was raised about the condition of the stones along Sargent Drive. The issue of the trees was also raised. Mr. Savage will take care of the trees on Town property. Durlin will look into the condition of the stones.
Phil Moriarty commented that we need positive energy and positive communication among all constituents
Meeting adjourned at 5:50